Scientific Poster Competition

We are excited to announce the Africa Health 2023 Scientific Poster Competition, an opportunity to showcase your groundbreaking work and contribute to the advancement of healthcare in Africa. Submit your innovative research posters by 10 September 2023 and join us in shaping the future of healthcare on the African continent!

17 - 19 October 2023

Gallagher Convention Centre, Johannesburg

What is this competition

The scientific poster is dedicated to helping grow the Africa Health Conferences and giving our talented healthcare professionals a platform
to gain recognition and get published.

  • There are 3 categories for abstract submissions: Emergency Medicine, CSSD & Infection Control, and Clinical Lab.
  • The top 5 posters in each category will be selected from all the entries.  
  • The selected posters will be displayed onsite for delegates, visitors, and participants during the duration of the show.
  • The top 2 winners from each category will receive a speaking opportunity at the respective conference - Emergency Medicine, CSSD & Infection Control, or Clinical Lab

How can I participate?

To participate, you can simply submit a poster abstract of your work as per the below guidelines to [email protected]

before September 10th, 2023 and our team will get back to you if your abstract is selected.

How does it work?


Participants choose a topic aligned with the medical fields below and submit an abstractincluding introduction, objectives, and conclusion.

  • Emergency Medicine,
  • CSSD & Infection Control, 
  • Clinical Lab

Poster abstract Format:

  • Max 300 words, font size 11, Arial (font type).
  • You may include 1 figure or table only.
  • Be as specific as possible about the material you will cover on your poster. 
  • Descriptions that are too short or vague will be considered incomplete.
  • The content must not have been previously published in a copyrighted, peer reviewed journal.
  • Relevant technical information cannot be withheld on the grounds that such information is proprietary. Statements such as “results will be discussed” are unacceptable.
  • Abstracts may not contain any type of advertising or logos.

Competition details

Phase 1 – Submission of the abstract

Abstracts received will be reviewed

 Deadline of submission: September 10, 2023

Phase 2 – Selection of top 15 abstracts

Out of all abstract entries, the top 15 (5 from each category) will be selected and asked to submit a designed poster.

 Announcement of Top 15: September 15, 2023

Phase 3 – Abstracts announcement

Top 2 abstracts from each category will be selected and will get a speaking opportunity at the respective Conference - Emergency Medicine, CSSD & Infection Control, or Clinical Lab

 Announcement of Top 6: September 18, 2023

Phase 4 – Display of the top 15 printed posters at the Scientific Poster Zone